8th Wonder of the World

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Natural blonde...just trying to navigate the seas of life.
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My week in review
Labels: Politics
DOUCHE BAG OF THE DAY: Normally I wouldn't use the word 'douche' and 'Jesus' in the same sentence, however, Church of England has forced my hand. GET THIS...the Church (of England...don't get that confused) is encouraging its followers to "reduce their carbon foot print" for lent. Can you say "DOUCHE"? I can think of more Christian appropiate things to give up in humble reverence and similitude of the cruxifiction of our Savior that don't fall in line with the bullcrap trap of atheist librals that are trying to remove anything spiritual and holy from democratic societies! Let's see...how about giving up soft porn like MTV...thats a good start. Refrain from giving a Rocky Anderson billboard the one finger salute, texting while driving, switching from Coke to Pepsi, wearing a dark coat even on a snow day (that is for you, Eubanks), giving up plaid pants & veggies (especially peas)...just to name a few. Now I might be tempted to follow the example of Martin (of York). In an effort to follow the good ole' Church of England's request, he suggested the following: "Don't drive to Church. Stay home instead." Couldn't have said it better myself fair Martin.
Labels: Politics
...followed by slit my wrists Thursday. Now, that may not sound like my sunshine and lollipop self, but it comes down to this...I CANNOT find it in me to be optimistic about the state of our union after last night's vote for McCain! Holy hell...this country is totally SCREWED! And dispite the long dark list of McCain's "downfall of America" checklist, he isn't the great satan in all this. That title goes to Huckabee. When asked (last night) on Glenn Beck's show "Why don't you attack the front runner verses someone that is running in second place?" which we all know is the logical tactic if he truly wanted to win the nomination, Huckabee repied that this was a blood sport; meaning he was going right for Romney's jugular. What a patriotic move huh? God bless America when a former evangelical preacher finds his hate for another canidate (who happens to be a fellow christian and actually shares the same conservative values as him) to be the uptmost importance over his country. Huckabee, way to take one for the team...Satan's team. He gets the MVP! I'm disguisted.
Labels: Politics
Oh the humanity!!!! I'm so freakin' frustrated...for two good reasons:
Labels: Politics
"Who has the time to blog?" This has been a common theme in my mind. Then I think to myself "Who has time to read other people's blogs?" I'm still questioning myself on these two questions but I decided to join the ranks of millions of bloggers out there. THIS at the reccommendation of my bff and her crazy superhero sidekick Britta. Is blogging another way for me to be even more self-obsessed thinking that everyone wants to know about me? Isn't that the concept of MYspace? Its not YOURspace...its MYspace. Another possible reason....maybe blogging is theraputic in some fashion. When I thought about what I might blog about, I found myself to be quite dull. EVEN if someone had the time to read about me on MY blog, wouldn't they eventually short circuit their computer with the amount of drool coming from their very bored and sleepy head? With this apifany in mind, I deem my quest and goal of MY blog is to use it to rate myself on a scale of "dull" to "very interesting". Again, its all about me right? LOOK OUT BLOGGER WORLD, I've come into your world like a new born naked baby straight from the mother's womb! Ew.
Labels: Random