Achtung Amy!

Natural blonde...just trying to navigate the seas of life.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Ramblings of an Angry White Woman!

Oh the humanity!!!! I'm so freakin' frustrated...for two good reasons:

Frustration #1) America is going to pot! This the eve of Super Tuesday 2008, I'm sporting a new wrinkle in the center of my forehead from the worry and frustration that is so apparent on my face. America is an amazing nation....home to many idiots. We're about to sell out our convervative values to a man who is no conservative at all. He's a freakin' libral in conservative clothing and we're falling for it. Not this girl...but what am I to do? Well, I've broken out the good ole' knee pads...the Almighty needs to bring in a mighty miracle tomorrow or the America of today will no longer exist. Despite what people think, it won't be traded in for something better. And currently, I find myself madly in love with the most amazing Mr. Right...and thinking of the future of our beautiful blonde babies. But the sweet dream is sickened by what kind of reality they would be greeted by. How can I bring them into a world that would have Hilary or McCain at the superpower helm? Its a freakin' nightmare come true... At least I have hope in miracles...

Frustration #2) I use to be fun. I was going to say "I use to be cool" but I think there is many a friend that would tell me that isn't true at all. But I DID use to be fun. WHAT HAPPENED? Gone are the days of being naive...those were the "salad days". Now I find myself listening to 5 hours of talk radio followed by by an hour of network tv news....EVERY SINGLE DAY! Who am I? I really do blame my mother who at one time use to portray herself as a cute, little, naive house wife who raised all her children so prim and properly. Can you say "June Clever"? Bless her heart, but the woman doesn't even know how to log onto the internet, but if I accidentally mentioned anything politically linked over the Sunday feast of roastbeef and potatoes, then out spews out of her mouth a disertation on why the Democrates are going straight to "H E double toothpicks". All I said was "pass the gravy." I'd like to say that my mother could also claim the phrase "I use to be fun" as I her daughter can but alas that isn't true and she'd fully admit it. We may be different in that realm but when it comes to being sweet and naive, gone are the days and political banter is our new sweet song. Oh the humanity.... I ask myself, one more time..."who am I?" Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....oops, gotta run. Glenn Beck is starting....



Blogger bv said...

Who really cares if you are fun? You're eye make up is ALWAYS AMAZING! Besides, you were way fun on Friday night or was that just the bread pudding??? No darling, it was YOU!

Monday, February 04, 2008  
Blogger Michelvis said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. You are still sorta fun, Ames.

Monday, February 04, 2008  

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