Achtung Amy!

Natural blonde...just trying to navigate the seas of life.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

From Super Tuesday into Wet My Pants Wednesday

...followed by slit my wrists Thursday. Now, that may not sound like my sunshine and lollipop self, but it comes down to this...I CANNOT find it in me to be optimistic about the state of our union after last night's vote for McCain! Holy hell...this country is totally SCREWED! And dispite the long dark list of McCain's "downfall of America" checklist, he isn't the great satan in all this. That title goes to Huckabee. When asked (last night) on Glenn Beck's show "Why don't you attack the front runner verses someone that is running in second place?" which we all know is the logical tactic if he truly wanted to win the nomination, Huckabee repied that this was a blood sport; meaning he was going right for Romney's jugular. What a patriotic move huh? God bless America when a former evangelical preacher finds his hate for another canidate (who happens to be a fellow christian and actually shares the same conservative values as him) to be the uptmost importance over his country. Huckabee, way to take one for the team...Satan's team. He gets the MVP! I'm disguisted.

DOUCHE BAG OF THE DAY: Mike Huckabee. Oh, and Hilary Clinton who said yesterday that "some people may have to have their pay checks garnished to pay for my health care plan."



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