Achtung Amy!

Natural blonde...just trying to navigate the seas of life.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Sometimes You Win Some, Sometimes You Lose Even More

My week in review
1. Saturday: We buried sweet President Hinckley six days ago. While earth is more dark for our loss, heaven is that much brighter. Also, found a place that I want to give $500 to. Its surreal.
2. Sunday: Outstanding meeting with Bishop Proctor. Superbowl upset...good job NY Giants! Fletcher's papa was proud.
3. Monday: President Monson becomes our new prophet. Then Monday night disappointment (but there is redemption...I am hopeful).
4. Super Tuesday....the dashing of my hope that America could have the redemption spoken of in #3. I am hopeless.
5. Wednesday: I've got a hangover...and I want to vomit. Please see #4 above.
6. Thursday...Hopeless: 2 / Amy: 0...Mitt Romney suspends his campaign. Also, Apple Bee's blows! They need to "get it together baby".
7. Friday: Fletcher & Amy's first out of town trip. Yeah! We're off to sunny St. George to stay with some friends. I'm really excited to travel with my adorable blonde babe. I will insist that he keeps my mind off of items #4, #5 & #6...which shouldn't be hard. I'm smitten! I vitamin D.

What I've learned this week:
- All relationships require work. Even the ones that seem to come naturally and easily. To make them "quality", efforts need to be made by both parties. I have great friends that I want to always want in my life no matter the work required.
- Satan is very aware of our weaknesses and will show no mercy when trying to use them against us.
- Heavenly Father is forgiving and loves us each so much, even when Satan wins, its only one battle. He won't win the war.
- If it walks like a liberal and talks like a liberal, it is a liberal but some republicans are okay with that. This conservative is not!
- I love Fletcher unconditionally.
- Mitt Romney is a man of class and integrity. We haven't heard the last of him. Remember Reagan 1976? (Huckabee..."What's class & integrity?")
- I learned that I am easily offended when talking politics with my friends so the best policy is just to not discuss "the issues" with the ones I love the most (who happen to disagree with my opinions:)). Mainly because it confuses me SO BAD! How could we have the same beliefs and morals, enjoy the same activities, interests, personalities, and have common goals and desires for our future, but differ so vastly when it comes to politics? It seriously hurts my head! I try to think of it in terms of "taste". Some people just have good taste and some have bad taste and can't help themselves. I just happen to have good taste when it comes to politics...I'm just saying. :) For now, we'll just have to agree to disagree....and AGREE on one thing...never bring it up.
- Bishop Higgins rocks my world.
-The next 4 years will require the super duper delux knee pads. I'll put in for a double order.

I'm scared to see what next week brings....



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